
What do the Error Codes mean?

    100 Continue 
    101 Switching Protocols 
    200 OK
    201 Created 
    202 Accepted 
    203 Non-Authoritative Information 
    204 No Content 
    205 Reset Content 
    206 Partial Content 
    300 Multiple Choices 
    301 Moved Permanently
    302 Moved Temporarily 
    303 See Other 
    304 Not Modified 

      (304 means the file was loaded from the browser cache instead of being resent by the server)

    305 Use Proxy 
    400 Bad Request 
    401 Unauthorized 
    402 Payment Required 
    403 Forbidden 
    404 Not Found 

    405 Method Not Allowed 
    406 Not Acceptable 
    407 Proxy Authentication Required 
    408 Request Time-Out 
    409 Conflict 
    410 Gone 
    411 Length Required
    412 Precondition Failed 
    413 Request Entity Too Large 
    414 Request-URL Too Large 
    415 Unsupported Media Type 
    500 Server Error 
    501 Not Implemented 
    502 Bad Gateway 
    503 Out of Resources
    504 Gateway Time-Out 
    505 HTTP Version not supported