

All Premier Web Hosting accounts include a newsletter script.  Pre-installed on your site is a newsletter.html page (for instance, http://www.yourdomain.com/newsletter.html).  This page contains a simple form where visitors may subscribe, or unsubscribe, to your site's newsletter.  IMPORTANT NOTE: you can take the simple form from the Source Code of the newsletter.html page and put it on any of your other pages.  The form generally looks like this:

<FORM ACTION="http://www.yourdomain.com/cgi-bin/easylist.cgi" METHOD="POST">
<TR><B>Join Our Mailing List</B></FONT>
<TD BGCOLOR=#FFFFFF><FONT FACE="arial,helvetica" COLOR="#000099">
<B>Your E-mail</B></FONT></TD><TD BGCOLOR=FF0000>
<INPUT TYPE="text" name="submitemail" SIZE=25></TD></TR><TR>
<TD COLSPAN=2><CENTER><FONT FACE="arial,helvetica" COLOR="#000099" SIZE=2>
<INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME="action" VALUE="subscribe" CHECKED><B>Subscribe</B>
<INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME="action" VALUE="unsubscribe">
<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Submit!">

You would simply need to paste the similar code into the the html code of your pages. 

To send out a newsletter, in your Web Site Settings email is a url for logging in to see your newsletter list and a place to create a text message to send to your subscribers.  This is strictly an opt-in list, so you cannot manually add email addresses from the administration page.  If you have an opt-in list from your previous hosting company and you need it uploaded, email us and we will try and accommodate your needs.