

Your site is already configured for the placement of counters. A counter may be added to your page by including the following line in your html document. Make sure to change "anyname.dat" to the datfile name you'd like to use for your site (It just needs to end in .dat).

NOTE:  If you have tried the advice on this page and get a "host not authorized" error, please e-mail us.

For additional counters simply add your login_name1, 2, 3, etc... You can modify the look of your counter by changing the following values:

ft=size of frame around counter
dd=A,B,C,D,E - you can try different ones 
frgb=color of frame

For additional installed counter styles click here.


Built in Time and Date Script 

Main -> Premier Hosting -> CGI ->Preinstalled Scripts
Main -> Premier Hosting -> CGI
Main -> Premier Hosting